The TAFISA 7 th world Sport for All Games organizing Committee commended the Spoqcs International Federation

Create Time : 2021/08/08     Create Time: 08:39:02      Visit Count: 1590


The TAFISA 7 th world Sport for All Games organizing  Committee commended the Spoqcs International Federation
Following the outbreak of the corona, the TAFISA 7th World Sport for All Games , scheduled for 2020 in Lisbon, was postponed to 2021.

Given that many in the sports world are still cautious in their gradual return to the game, the Lisbon Organizing Committee decided to abandon a traditional gathering in exchange for a creative virtual approach to bringing the world together.
 A total of 150 sports organizations from 50 countries participated in the event.
The Spoqcs International Federation, one of TAFISA's leading and active organizations, also participated in the event, showing new and traditional SPOQCS sport to the world by sharing several videos.